Good news! By mid-August all roads leading to Betsy Ross Resort will be paved!
Of course, all good things come at a cost. For a week or two, we will have some inconvenience to deal with. I will update this post with activity and instructions for arrival and movement around the construction. - Gary
July 20: Construction has not yet begun. It appears they are grooming the gravel and preparing to replace the culvert at the "T" intersection by the Lodge. The neighbor most active in proposing the road improvements informed me that it would commence within the week.
I spoke with an engineer on the project this afternoon. The existing gravel on Garfield lane and Betsy Ross Road will begin tomorrow (Wednesday, 7/27), beginning on Garfield lane and progressing east towards Betsy Ross Point. For our resort, the key area is Garfield lane. They will take two passes, bringing the road up in steps. work should be completed this week. The existing paved road from Cty 6 to Garfield lane will be removed, leveled, and repaved concurrently with application of the new road. This sounds to me like a bit more work and more disruptive. He was also hoping this would complete this week but we'll see. I'll update this thread on Friday afternoon with an update.